Although personal hygiene is a basic need and right, there are people in Croatia who do not have basic hygiene conditions. At the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in March of last year, the reception of homeless people in shelters and shelters was suspended in Zagreb, access to soup kitchens was more difficult than ever due to the suspension of public transport, and the only three places where homeless people could bathe also closed their doors. From then until today, the implementation of basic daily hygiene has remained an ongoing problem, since the current price of one shower and use of the remaining public bathroom in Zagreb (Ilica 8) in the amount of HRK 15 is beyond the reach of most users.

As one of the leading manufacturers of cosmetics in Croatia and a leader in the production of certified natural cosmetics, we at Olival were surprised by the fact that in the metropolis, at the same time the city where the largest number of homeless people in our country live and gravitate towards, at least minimum hygienic conditions are not ensured. We have decided to change that, in cooperation with the Croatian Network for the Homeless, the umbrella national organization for helping and improving the lives of the homeless.
As part of the humanitarian project #čistodaznaš , in the period from 15.6.2021. until 15.7.2021. In 2008, we allocated HRK 15 from each webshop purchase - the price of one use of a public bathroom. One purchase, regardless of the amount spent, meant one bath for HMB users. We are extremely happy and proud that in the mentioned period, with the help and support of all of you who recognized the importance of this project, we collected a donation of HRK 34,245.00. On Wednesday 21.7.2021. in the premises of the Center for Help and Support for the Homeless and People at Risk of Homelessness in Zagreb's Branimirova Street, the director of Olival Marijan Pojatina presented a check with the collected amount and a donation of products to the vice president of the Croatian Network for the Homeless, Mr. Zvonk Mlinar.

We would like to remind you that there are only data available on the number of homeless people in Croatia provided by shelters and shelters, and estimates range from 2,000 to 10,000 people, depending on how the term "homeless" is defined. The Croatian Homeless Network uses the United Nations definition to estimate the number of homeless people, which distinguishes between two types of homelessness - absolute and relative. According to that estimate, there are at least 2,000 absolute homeless people in Croatia. We are talking about people who do not have a roof over their heads, who sleep outdoors, in vehicles, abandoned buildings or other places that are not intended for habitation, and this number has increased by 100 people since the beginning of this year alone. The capital of Croatia is also the capital of homelessness, since it is estimated that there are around 700 absolute homeless in the city of Zagreb alone. About 30% of them came from other parts of the country due to easier access to basic needs such as food, but also to escape the condemnation of smaller communities.
With a donation of HRK 34,245, we have jointly provided the homeless cared for by HMB with a minimum of six months of regular personal hygiene. We sincerely hope that this is only the first stage of the #čistodaznaš humanitarian project and the beginning of even more concrete positive changes that we are striving for. Thank you!