If you want a tanned complexion, cosmetic preparations - sprays, oils or creams - will help you. However, regardless of your skin type, your tanning habits, and regardless of whether you tan quickly or not, you must first understand any product you plan to use.
Self-tanning products and accelerated tanning products, for example, are not one and the same.
Self-tanning gives a surface color
In the self-tanning process, the desired complexion is achieved using bronzers, creams or sprays containing dihydroxyacetone (DHA) . This active substance is actually a sugar derivative . DHA reacts with dead skin cells by changing their color.
This method of tanning does not require exposure to the sun . Most self-tanning products start working after one hour of use. This process takes place in the upper stratum corneum of the skin , which means that the color will disappear as the skin peels off. If you want to maintain the shade, you will have to regularly use self-tanning products.
Such products are good to use when you want a bronze complexion in just a few hours . With them, you will get the desired color before you can catch a ray of the real sun.
Nothing without good skin preparation
The golden rule with all self-tanning products is that the skin needs to be properly prepared. In order to avoid an orange or uneven complexion or different spots on the skin, first do a good and high-quality exfoliation . With it, you will even out the texture of your skin , which is why you will create a good foundation for even tanning.
Pay attention to choosing the right shade , and most importantly - do not use products that were opened last summer.

For accelerated tanning, you need the sun
Unlike self-tanning products, those for accelerated tanning work only with the help of the sun. They don't work by just putting them on the skin, you have to sunbathe.
Accelerated tanning takes place in the base layer of the skin , which is why its effect, unlike self-tanning, lasts longer, but reaching a tanned complexion is slower.
The specialty of products for accelerated tanning is that they usually contain beta-carotene . It is a vegetable pigment that is most often obtained from carrots. Thanks to beta-carotene , melanin is maximally "extracted" to the surface of the skin , which is why you will not only "color" the surface layer, but you will darken naturally, but faster than usual.
If you decide on products for accelerated tanning , you will again find yourself at a crossroads where you will have to choose between oils, jams, products with or without SPF and the like.
Jam for accelerated tanning is a great choice for fans of a bronze complexion who like creamy textures . Of course, it should be kept in mind that jam for accelerated tanning does not contain UV protection , so it is recommended only for people who can tolerate the sun well.
However, in order for the light texture of the jam to be enjoyed by those who can't stand the sun as well, the offer also includes jam for accelerated tanning with SPF 10 .
If you are a fan of oil care and quick absorption, then you should definitely try dry tanning oil . With it, you will achieve an intense and even bronze complexion . The oils are intended for people who already have a shade of tan, that is, they are not recommended for people "white as cheese".
Whichever way you choose to get a tan, remember that your complexion is not more important than your health . With sunbathing, therefore, be cautious, moderate and at the right time of day.