Winter time is perfect for drinking herbal teas for a long time. In addition to being extremely tasty and filling the entire apartment or office with magnificent smells, they also bring a whole range of benefits for the health of the body. Each plant has different effects, and we have decided to divide them into the times of the day when you will get the most benefit from them, and at the same time treat yourself to real pleasure.
Wake up with mint tea
Mint has been known since ancient times and is a very popular herb for making herbal tea, and it is especially useful to drink it in the morning. It is rich in antioxidants and soothes stomach problems, and it is proven to help people with irritable bowel syndrome. [1] It is best to start the new day calm and refreshed, and mint will help reduce muscle tension and will affect the weakening of the morning headache. There is a reason that mint is often used as an ingredient in toothpaste, because it will freshen your breath, which also makes it an ideal morning drink. In winter, it will help relieve cold symptoms, ease breathing and calm inflammatory processes. For these reasons, mint tea is often recommended for people with allergy symptoms.
We recommend buying organic tea without artificial additives for the best effect, and you can prepare it by pouring a teaspoon of mint or 1 g with 150 ml of hot water, and after about 10 minutes, drain it.

After lunch, take ginger tea
Ginger is a perennial tuberous plant and its root is used in many culinary recipes as a spice because it gives dishes a dose of spiciness. The good news is that it can also be prepared for tea! It has analgesic, calming and antibacterial properties, and in combination with honey and lemon, ginger tea is excellent in the fight against colds. It is useful to drink it after lunch because it has a proven effect on gastric motility, accelerates metabolism and reduces feelings of nausea and bloating. [2]
Ginger is a highly available food, and you can prepare tea by grating the root. One teaspoon of the root is added to 2 cups of water, and it is boiled for ten minutes. If you wish, you can add a little lemon juice to soften the spiciness of the ginger. We will only warn that excessive drinking of ginger tea can lead to unwanted side effects and we do not recommend it to people who already naturally have a faster metabolism.

Sleep easier after chamomile tea
Soothing and soporific - chamomile! The very gentle smell and beneficial effect of chamomile is unknown to few, and its specificity lies precisely in its proven medicinal effect on a number of inflammatory processes. This plant is used, among other things, for its antioxidant, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic effects, and in addition, it is beneficial for ulcerative colitis, premenstrual syndrome and gastrointestinal disorders. [3] Chamomile will calm the mind and relax the body before going to sleep, remove feelings of anxiety and thus enable better sleep.
You can make chamomile tea very easily, and all you need is one tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers and 250 ml of hot water. After the water has been poured over the flowers and left for 5 minutes, the tea must be drained, and if desired, you can add a little homemade honey to it.
More tea joys
It is very easy to put together your own tea mix and thus refresh the taste of well-known drinks. The addition of leaves from other plants such as black and red currant, basil or lavender can take the tea drinking experience to a whole new level. In addition to drying herbs for tea on your own, such as sage, which you can air dry in bouquets, we suggest that you also dehydrate fruit, fruit peels and berries, which add to tea mixtures to give the drink a special aroma and sweet taste. Dried apple peel and a little cinnamon is a well-known combination that leaves few people indifferent, and it's not a bad idea to add a little clove to them.
Tea, in addition to having an extremely beneficial effect on our entire organism, and thus on the skin, can be used as a preparation for steaming the face. Chamomile flowers are especially popular for all their soothing properties. Just like they do in beauty salons, by steaming you are actually preparing the skin of your face for continued care. It is enough to steam your face once a week or even once or twice a month if your skin is more sensitive. Avoid too high a temperature of the tea, clean your face beforehand and cover your head with a towel, and we recommend a maximum of 10 minutes of treatment, after which you will already notice softened skin on which you can continue to apply the rest of the routine.
[1] Reena Khanna, John K MacDonald, Barrett G Levesque, Peppermint oil for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis accessed 26.1. in 2022
[2] Attilio Giacosa, Davide Guido, Mario Grassi, Antonella Riva, Paolo Morazzoni, Ezio Bombardelli, Simone Perna, Milena A. Faliva, Mariangela Rondanelli, The Effect of Ginger (Zingiber officinalis) and Artichoke (Cynara cardunculus) Extract Supplementation on Functional Dyspepsia: A Randomised, Double-Blind, and Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial accessed 26/01/2022.
[3] Sepide Miraj and Samira Alesaeidi, A systematic review study of therapeutic effects of Matricaria recuitta chamomile (chamomile) visited 26.1.2022.